Frequently Asked Questions

Under $5 per bench per day, less than a fancy coffee.

Yes! You can change it anytime (in a few days) with your image for $100. Includes 3M vinyl printing, application, and on-site installation. No charge for the first complete installation.

The sign images are a "Classic" size; 2 feet by 7 feet. And they are only 20 feet from the viewers, making them appear larger than a billboard but viewed at a much lower speed. And many spots have complete traffic light stops with long “reads”, truly making this a great value!

Signs get 32,000 views per day average.

Agreements are a 3 month minimum. This gives your message time to work, generating awareness in the community and sales for you.

Yes. You get a 20% discount for annual partnership.

No, it’s fun! Just put us in touch with your designer and you’re set! No designer? No problem! We offer design help (our designer has over 30 years of design experience...). Either way we've got you covered!

Located at the Highest Traffic Visibility locations
• Averaging 35,000 vehicles per day!!! •

Please call or email for a list of all available positions and pricing to consider.